pralkarzing hard or hardly pralkarzing?

programming Racket-style for the first time

this little cutie essentially solves the Valid Sudoku problem from LeetCode

#lang racket

(define input
  '((5 3 _ _ 7 _ _ _ _)
    (6 _ _ 1 9 5 _ _ _)
    (_ 9 8 _ _ _ _ 6 _)
    (8 _ _ _ 6 _ _ _ 3)
    (4 _ _ 8 _ 3 _ _ 1)
    (7 _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ 6)
    (_ 6 _ _ _ _ 2 8 _)
    (_ _ _ 4 1 9 _ _ 5)
    (_ _ _ _ 8 _ _ 7 9)))

(define (unique? item collection)
  (let loop ([lst collection] [count 0])
      [(> count 1)
      [(null? lst)
       (= count 1)]
      [(eq? item (car lst))
       (loop (cdr lst) (+ count 1))]
       (loop (cdr lst) count)])))

(define (valid-collection? collection)
  (andmap (lambda (cell)
            (or (eq? '_ cell) (unique? cell collection)))

(define (get-square n board)
  (let ([init-x (* 3 (modulo n 3))] [init-y (* 3 (floor (/ n 3)))])
    (let loop ([x init-x] [y init-y])
      (let ([cell (list-ref (list-ref board y) x)])
          [(and (= x (+ 2 init-x)) (= y (+ 2 init-y)))
           (cons cell null)]
          [(= x (+ 2 init-x))
           (cons cell (loop init-x (+ y 1)))]
           (cons cell (loop (+ x 1) y))])))))

; more functional style implementation by LCOLONQ
; (define (get-square n board)
;   (apply
;    append
;    (map
;     (lambda (row)
;       (take (drop row (* 3 (modulo n 3))) 3))
;     (take (drop board (* 3 (floor (/ n 3)))) 3))))

; initial implementation
; (define (get-squares board)
;   (let loop ([n 0])
;     (cond
;       [(= n 8)
;        (cons (get-square n board) null)]
;       [else
;        (cons (get-square n board) (loop (+ n 1)))])))

; improved implementation
(define (get-squares board)
    (lambda (n)
      (get-square n board))
    (range 9))))

(define (valid-sudoku? board)
   (andmap valid-collection? board)
   (andmap valid-collection? (apply map list board))
   (andmap valid-collection? (get-squares board))))

(valid-sudoku? input)

them styles though???

partially inspired by Better Motherfucking Website and Even Better Motherfucking Website with my own spin on thingamajigs

them subdomains though???

the few silly subdomains that redirect here are hosted on Free DNS