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The Glossary

How to survive an LCOLONQ stream

Cloning Guide

Palette Guide


this is not written by LCOLONQ or his team (singular, im not his wife basically), nor is it commissioned by them (it is probably endorsed however now !help links to this article lol). im prodzpod, housekeeping this stream is kinda my hobby (among many, for now)

Welcome to LCOLONQ

LCOLONQ (commonly "clonk", also sometimes "llll", "LCQ", "colonk" or "LC", !pronunciation, he/him "borderline zoomer") is a "programming" streamer made out of real ASCII art. There isn't like a game that's going on (there is but we'll get there) but rather each stream we develop whatever we think is a "good bit". LCOLONQ goes from 18:30 Tuesday and 19:30 Friday (in your timezone!), and goes for around 7 hours on average.

you may find his Twitch Schedule Mode here.

We promote vibes that arent the most common in twitch chat. I like to call it Next Level Parasocialism but its more like normal people talking. feel free to post links, backseat and make jokes, talk about cool shit you or people around you made, don't be afraid to go off topic, just be kind to people around you type stuff.

This page will show you around all corners of the LCOLONQ history. Use the "Warp Zone" on the top right corner (click the text) to jump around the sections.

Understanding the Screen

It's very easy to be overwhelmed in your first visit, lots of texts, different windows and multiple bits going on at once, words spoken to you at 200 bpm... But once you sit down for a minute or two and take it all in, it grows on you really fast. Let me highlight each corners of the screen.

The Temple

Most LCOLONQ streams occur within The Temple of Emacs (α›κ—¨α›–αšΉπŒ‹κ—¨ α›œαš« κ—¨α›–αš£α›ˆα›‹ in Futhark Runes). Here's a quick rundown on his setups.

NixOS (!animeguide) is a Linux distro where you can set your environment variables and imports per-directory instead of globally. This is really handy for running different versions of stuff for each project without having to do wild stuff.

Emacs is a 50 years old greybeard text editor that isn't vim. It features Emacs Lisp, a programming language executable within emacs to do various stuff. Clonk's , Forsen Integrated Gaming (or fig for short) (wasp now but clonk hasnt pushed github LOL) is a maximal example of Elisp being used to do basically everything.

Clonk also uses various extensions and configuration to Emacs to make his system run almost entirely within Emacs, this incluses EXWM (Emacs X Window Manager) to split his window, evil-mode to change his keybinds to one that resembles Vim keybinds (do not use default emacs keybinds. You will certainly die. do not under any circumstances do such a thing.) and some other things. This was a lot of technical stuff. Let's move onto the Gizmos.

"Chat zone"

This is where the chat goes to, but also contains various redeem infos, messages from "friend" (we'll get there) and Biblicality of each chat message.

Biblicality, the first bit and a gizmo we will explain here, which also happens to be the only edited video on the Youtube channel (it is quite humorous do watch it), is a riff on the classic meme of "None of these words are in the bible".

It tells you how often words in your chat message appear in the bible, hence the "biblicality". exceptions to this are "Miku", which is wholly biblical, and "S*m Altm*n", which is reverse 666 biblical. This ties into the legendary bit in the stream where his entire hard drive got unmounted while talking about S*m and caused the last stream crash (so far), hence the Rhombus style begin and end style VODs.

Disclaimer: I cannot vouch if the moments were actually legendary, Rhombus style end also happens to be my first legendary encounter in the LCOLONQ zone.

Colonq's Face

He uses a custom renderer he made in Rust to display his model in REAL ASCII. its not one of those filters Vroid studio gives you now. In fact, you can stream his face through netcat or telnet (!nc)

"The Puppet", as he calls it, is a Lawful Evil anime girl that used to be a default vroid model. A Reference Sheet is available.

"friend"'s Lair

"friend" is a critical figure in the LCOLONQ Broadcast. They are described as an "Emacs Buddy", and are powered by GPT-4. They are silly and irrevenant (irreverant?) but kind, and frequently communicates to the chat about various bits around the stream. We'll go over each of them in the later sections.


This is clonk's CPU load, which is his canonical heartrate. He has "double blood", or "more blood noita". the arbiturary counter increases whenever someone mentions "heart" or "BPM".


And lastly, this is the message box. this is where the debug/error outputs go to. Just highlighting because it's easy to miss.

Redeem Your Desires

IMAGE UNAVAILABLE - due to currently INSANE TECTONICS of the RECKONING the redeems are volatile and for speed reasons images are disabled. the contents should be accurate though

We have a lot of redeems. and I mean a lot of redeems. The twitch UI is crazy bad so it can look really disorienting, but they're Cool. In fact, its arguably one of the coolest sections of the stream.

There are currently some progress to make a separate web API for redeems, but for now here is what you can do.

Normal Twitch Commands

This is the kind of redeems you see in every twitch channel. You probably know what it does. (allow streamer to drink, deslug and lurker check in)

You Got BOOST Power!

BOOST. BOOSTs are what makes the Broadcast go 'round. BOOSTs are a secondary currency in addition to $COLON (channel points) that contribute to gifting and faction warfare. TSOOBs, like the name, gives you -1 boost. each boost redeems can only be done once per stream. There is a !leaderboard (and "draobredael!") command that shows the top BOOSTer (and TSOOBer).

You must be 3 BOOSTs or higher (or -3 BOOSTs or lower) to use certain commands to prevent malicious actors from abusing the more powerful redeems. Although, most of the time once you fail doing something clonk just whitelists you manually anyways.

There are three factions you are randomly assigned to upon your first message sent. You are either a nate, a tony or a lever. Faction standings (sum of all BOOST total of each faction) are shown at the top of the chat zone always. you can switch faction with a 10k $COLON redeem.

Transform The Puppet

You can apply various transformations to the puppet.

Palette swaps allow you to change the letter composition and colors of colonq's face. see the detailed guide for what you can do with them.

pursue idol dream redeem is another hair swap redeem but it changes the contents to your profile picture. it also shows a funny box.

Hats are disabled most of the time, but sometimes enabled when LCOLONQ has a horn in his hair (or clown nose).

Next are toggle effects, redeeming the same thing twice will disable the effect.

Visual Effects

There are also various effects, mostly controlled by OBS, that you can apply all across the screen.

Audio Effects

We arrive at another core gizmo of the stream, The Bells of Bezelea. There's so many stuff made around it it's insane, but here's some links to help you.

Basically you can play anything by typing the notes. BPM is fixed at 75 (for now), accepts values like ...A3, B3, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, c, d, e, f, g, a, b, C6, D6... (uppercase letter is equal to X4, lowercase X5), and # works but not b (will recognize as lowercase B). use / for rests, ~ to continue one note and | to divide channels. each channel plays simultaneously, making chords. you can also use [] to chord within a single channel. look at the repository for examples.

Rest are ordinary music playing type redeems.

mental clarity redeems are special in that it stops ALL audio effects that goes on at the time. This is usually used when too many bits overlay to make big noise. this is temporarily disabled as it is bugged and crashes DB.

TOTAL clarity redeems go a step further and just turns the entire screen with a calming water image, with a gong. it also mutes clonk himself. lol.

Talk to "friend"s

There are various ways to initiate conversation with "friend".

Activate Spell Card

You can use Yamameᡝ to compile bullet patterns to use in clonk's streams. the BulletML patters will be sent from clonk's eye and towards the emacs cursor. he will have to dodge them to succeed.

Chatter Hexes

You can put a hex on other people using hex redeem: [hexname] [username]. for the "translation" ones, gpt(w/ai) is used, and may error out into "what are we doing today, computer?" as a default message.

Current Hexes are as follows:

Theme Change

You can change the broadcast to some of the dark ef-themes ones. This does not change the colonq's face window, but it changes everything else. ef-rosa was planned to join the roster and already is in his computer, he just needs to update the twitch redeem section.

Corination Ceremony

VIP is a constant state of flux in this stream, one gets crowned, another loses the status.

The Final Showdown

This is what you save your points up to. The Grand Prizes, The BIS Gear of the LCOLONQ Broadcast even.

Free Commands

In addition to the redeems, we have commands you can use at any time by including certain key words into your chat.

The previous list was a bit of a farce, this is the REAL list of commands (dynamic answer, epic).

This is a list of commands that technically exists, but doesn't see use and isn't particularly notable (static answer).

You have learned everything you need to know to understand any LCOLONQ stream. anything below this point is essentially a documentation of past streams and vague references that will occur sparsely. This is a good point to hop off if you're a busy person.

Learn the Language

Explaining every word in LCOLONQ (notable wordmaxxer)'s vocabulary is becoming a little verbose so let's quickly summarize. If you read this far you're going for 100% completion anyways.

Here is a list of words that aren't used in any different way from the norm, but contains significance.

After the vmode, various prod memetics have also seeped its way into the LCOLONQ stream area. see dedicated lore page for their explanations, or something of this nature.

The !Lore of L

With all the knowledge you've armed yourself with, we can finally delve into the deep trenches of the lore of LCOLONQ. this will be a speedrun, so a lot of the side stuff will not be written here. Check out the VOD channel if you feel inclined, you'd probably like it since its the same LCOLONQ experience.

Do note that I have 0 idea what actually happened live, im a november joiner and the history before then i only absorbed through vodwatching.

Season 1: LLLL Colonq

The good old days. Old model, incredibly timid clonk, actual programming instead of yapping for 4 hours. The legend starts here. Well, technically there is a Season 0 in a form of two(?) test streams he did before, but those are not left in the VODs, and only passed through oral legends.

LLLL Colonq Episode 1 - You Cybered This Space?

The first like 8 streams started as a Pokemon Emerald GDB debug stream, writing a bot and discovering fun assembly stuff. His first word on stream, PEMIS, and the pokemon cry at 22:07, Fugiiiih!, are notable statements we still use occasionally. He planned to do a emerald gdb stream for his anniversary, but he didn't and made yuri (Girl's Love) instead (will be elaborated when we get there LOL).

LLLL Colonq Gaiden I - Enter Oubliette

Oubliette of General is a mystery dungeon-type fan game made for General GEEGA. this is STILL in development. its been a YEAR. reminds me of a certain game...

LLLL Colonq Lab Sessions - the one where we figured out how to talk to the twitch api

Like the name suggests, this is a big one. Beginning of FIG, The start of the modern clonkhead infrastructure. simple times where you could just blast amogus.

The New CEO Of Emacs - LLLL Colonq Shareholders' Meeting

The end of the classic era (part 1), we start to see currently noted clonkheads. a lot of the redeems we see nowadays gets thought of here (basic palette swap, devipper...), the framework of the modern LCOLONQ Broadcast starts to settle in.

Reading Poetry With Your Friend L.C.

What the fuck. seeing "LC" still feels weird. he is LLLL. anyways, the second part of the finale. he actually just reads poems.

Season 1.3?: LLLL Colonq Lab Sessions

There was a "lab session" before this but every video from now on gets labelled lab sessions, until the actual Season 1 finale. Anyways, new start screen, real gizmo style broadcast beginning to show (although they are usually split into multiple streams still), this is a transition period from a Season 1 Pokemon Debugger to a Non-Canon OVA Oomfie Lord type streamer.

LLLL Colonq Lab Sessions - Emacs Needed More "RPG Elements"

The introduction of BOOSTs. the first user stat to ever exist.

LLLL Colonq Lab Sessions - CLONKHead's Revenge!!!!

This is where we get the RPG system, the first of user stats where you can roll up a full AD&D character and level them up. also seemingly this is the first stream with the new starting screen.

LCOLONQ Versus Wild

This is the first "pure shinanigans" type stream not counting the wild times that was Poem Reading. Clonk filmed this outside, meaining there was a lot of wacky stuff going on. Also, this is where he works on rowobots, a uwu_to_owo robot tournament type thing that sits in his github. if you saw his github and always wondered what it actually does, this is the video.

LLLL Colonq Lab Sessions - Absolutely None Of Those Words Are In The Bible

THE episode. you know this one already.

LLLL Colonq Lab Sessions - Alerts and Fake AI Chatters (to Birthing Stream)

The AI revolution is here. origins of fig-ask, fake chatters, forsen, monster kill...

LLLL Colonq Lab Sessions - We Put Stuff On The Screen

OBS has been connected to Emacs, a lot of the modern OBS based effects happen now (modclonk head, arrow, LCOLONQ live reaction)

LLLL Colonq Season 1 Finale - New Model Debut

Despite its finale status, not much really happens outside the new model. but two crucial things happen. first, new palette swap meta. second, Mr. Green. yes. the Green Face of our Broadcast appears first in this episode.

Season 1.5: LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA (friendless)

The Longest period of LCOLONQ history so far, the Non-Canon OVA has begun. this is your usual modern clonk now. except we don't have "friend". this is messed up times actually. anyways, a TON of wacky shinanigans happen in this period.

LLLL Colonq After Dark - LCOLONQ New Vegas (warning: EXTREMELY NOT CANON)

Extremely Not Canon is right. this shit is wild. beware.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - Gentoo Speedrun (The Speed Is Slow)

LCOLONQ does shit in Gentoo and not NixOS. he will come a long way from this to TempleOS (maybe).

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - Getting Musical With JakeCreatesStuff

Collab stream with JakeCreatesStuff, having two characters in the screen is kinda wild. this is NOT Bells of Bezelea, as that one is made by Bezelea.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 3 - The Great Content Heist

Video Hair originates here. hair meta changed wildly since then.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - Clonk Goes Bald

Clonk GAMES (!). baldurs gate 2 on the ol gentoo. he barely games actually. real gaming is later.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 5 - Bridge Repair

JOEL MENTION. 7tv emotes are added and this means the beginning of the Joeling Era.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - 10:24 Celebration

LCOLONQ reaches 1024 followers, and the first marathon stream begins. joel actually appears here.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - Introducing "friend"

Finally, "friend". and this opens a new era.

Season 1.7: LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA (friendly)

We are mostly on one bit per video session now. rapidfire rounds of feature additions will now begin. to keep this webpage loadable, I'll only embed the legendary clips.

This is also what is referred to as a geneaology era, where clonk tried to grind for Twitch Purple and ended up making various one-off gizmos. kind of a low point but filled with good bits nonetheless.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 8 - The Island Of Doctor Clonkeau

Chatter Fusions are created here. Fusions are a currently disabled bit where two chatters are fused into a single chat message, with a GPT-generated name and message. ALSO this pubnix is created now.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - Solving The Housing Crisis

Rooms are created here. Rooms are a chatter stat where each chatter is given a room to decorate with emotes. they are accessible via https://colonq.computer/room/[number].gif.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 10 - Forth Nite

FORTH is mentioned here, and the crazy tale that sprawls into wackiness that is BLESS begins. gforth sucks btw.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - Live From TwitchCon

Slots are made, theres a few gambling related remnants on the fig right now but most of this is disabled.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - Pumpkin Sin

CURSE is made, which is a Elisp to Javascript transpiler. this is truly cursed.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 12 - LCOLONQ'S Idol Nightmare

Bells of Bezelea is introduced. we don't have chords yet, no multiple channels, no super idol good, just pure bells.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - No NoLCOLONQ November

THE homestuck video. a must-watch for all clonkheads. The history of homestuck and andrew hussie is deeply alluring.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - Rhombus Style Begin/End

Sam Altman appearance happens here. this is the last recorded stream crash and double boost type situation.

LLLL Colonq After Dark - Discord Trumpet Soundboard

No VOD of this remains, and it happened in the discord. everyone was in the call doing soundboards and voice calling, it was one weird ass stream. we did gforth, and gave up. gforth sucks.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - The Dance Of The LCOLONQ Fairy

AOC leaderboard is set up. this is expected to return next year.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 17 - Genealogical Study

Ancestry, another chatter stat is established here.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - Entity Research Session

Mountain Dew RAID event was happening around this time. we go super desperate style its kinda funny. spoiler: mtndew dont come. dont expect it.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 18 - In The Archives

Various things happen here. Cloning, yearly recap...

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 19 - Junkyard

Clonk tackles css and fucking dies. him agonizing for a few hours isnt as fun as it sounds though.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 20 - Subatomic Particles

Electron is made. this is not the real electron but rather some kind of native application development tool for emacs. it's cool. this will come up later.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - The Legend of John Apples

Virgil is created. this is a bad apple based OS where each combination of 3x3 pixel determines a specific operation. He plans to run doom in it.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 21 - New Me?

!resolution is created in celebration of the new year. this is yet another chatter stats.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - SeaLab 2024

"real name"/identity is added to the chatter stats.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 22 - A Silent Voice

"friend" is given an animal crossing-like voice system. it still sounds like its farting.

LLLL Colonq Non-Canon OVA - The Archives

api.colonq.computer is created, now everyone can fetch the various user stats. geiser.xpi is made in response. please check the geiser.xpi page for a summary of the chatter stats. oh yeah, also this is the finale of the Non-Canon OVA. we're going into the Canon Zone now.

Season 2: LCOLONQ Series Second Season

We're officially back into the canon. with This Thing. very serious season. this new model is eventually going to be used to censor screens. (it's a default live2d model or something.)

LCOLONQ Series Second Season Episode 3 - Second Blessing

Previously in L:Q happens. this may return with various different voices (doubtful).

LCOLONQ Series Second Season Episode 4 - Partnership

clonk gains a check mark. I think clown motel became a bit but idk

LCOLONQ Series Second Season Episode FINAL - 2^11 Celebration

Second marathon stream. We play Dark Souls 1 with MODCLONK, it's absolutely worth watching its a wild time, we defeat the videogame, and then We create arguably the first "meta-bit", utilizing Electron to create "Uhhh, What? The Relationship Between The Polarities In My Ikaruga Clone Are Surprisingly "Yuri"?!" within the 20 hours. it's a parallel thinking style unintended fangame of ikaruga. We also started a game jam, details in the gamejam page.

Season 2.5: LCOLONQ 2.X (rebirth edition)

This season is a bit of a transitional period where clonk achieves post-purple nirvana and finally aims to tie up the loose ends of the various bits, and then suddenly THE INCIDENT happens and we end up with a completely new version of fig. we are heavily rebirth themed in this season. the amount of yap also increases as his viewerbase doubles once again from 3 to 4 hours. disruption is another major element of this season.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 24 - Colonq Noir

Newspaper is created. you can use the redeems to create an issue of the newspaper that is printed to the discord every stream.

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 3 - Gone Fishin'

!fish became actual pokemon emerald style. back then it just returned miss quote statically.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 25 - Noosphere

Geiser.xpi is extended into a clonkhead recognition program, where clonkheads can click each other in other people's streams and their BOOST scores will go up by 1 (away from 0, so negatives will get -1 BOOST). this is the first shakeup in BOOST economics since its inception.

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 5 - You Will Not Take Me Away Again To Margaritaville

We started working on two things, one is a API extension that will eventually completely replace the twitch channel point and redeem system, and the other is a meta-bit of "Twitch Janitor Competition" where various twitch mods are invited to moderate a fake chatroom with increasingly sillier rules.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 27 - Twitch Two: The Sequel To Twitch

Clonk comes up with the idea of Twitch Two: a moderation competition of exceedingly silly capacity. we'll see when this one happens.

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 6 - The Twist

Clonk GAMES yet another time, making a balatro mod.

There are also stream ideas that float around that isnt complete yet. This is not a comprehensive list.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 28 - Clarity of Mind and Hand

clonk finally gets crushed by all the bits going on at once and crumbles. clonk actually dies and revives on the spot jesus style. clonk easter real. you wont know this actually happened until the vod is out lol

the truth is out now ....

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 7 - Babylon 99

we think of 99(+a) items for oub mode. oub mode becomes closer to completion. balls mode activate.


the lain watchalong happened, we all laughed incredibly awkwardly and lived present day, present times. we are truly the wired in irl life. geiser missed the watchalong despite being the one asking for it. f to geiser.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 29 - LCOLONQ's Phantom Tax

THE RECKONING - everything breaks and dies, burns up and disintegrates. we "migrate" our chatter stats to the redis mode, and its all messed up. which is crazy because this was before redis blew up by themselves. lol. no more redeems, no more factions, no more stats, no more emotes, no more chat even. well a bit worse than no more stats because stats got actively corrupted with emote mode. the most down we've been in years really, just in time for the shareholder meeting.

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 8 SPECIAL Live From Boston - I Am The Chowder Man

an extremely belated PAX East hotel room stream happened, where clonk employed funny mic and tried to measure the distance but got derailed anyways. the stream lasted 2 hours.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 30 - Resurrection

a whole 9 hour stream that was purely focused on bringing shit back. the chat, the emotes, the boost, the model, and finally, the friend. friend actually dies and becomes a ghost canon style. fig is replaced by wasp from here on out, although fig-server prevails.

we rebalance all the prices, FINALLY ADD ROSA MODE, and redeems in general change and shift tectonic.

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 9 - LLLL Colonq 2nd Annual Shareholders' Meeting

we spent like 30 minutes doing shareholder meeting and then became immensely distracted with the vcvrack. we found out that every clonkhead is actually eurorack sisters and clonk vst making stream might be coming.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 31 - LCLOWNQ

it's not an april fools stream. we actually work on oub (holy fuck progress). graphics are changed wildly so that the walls are less pixelated and more imagalated.

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 10 - Xenoglossy

another iron in the stack: bless gets a strange vocal upgrade where each syllable corresponds to a function?? so that it can be programmed by simply speaking to it. idk where this goes.

we also introduced TOTAL CLARITY - the gong bit goes so hard. antipiracy was also introduced here.

Season 2.7: LCOLONQ 2.X (LOCK IN edition)

In preparation for OFFKAI this year (they are going to offkai btw), he is LOCKING IN on the couple of his choice projects, notably oub mode and z80 game boy mode. this will most likely last until then. the yap style of the previous sub-season is lowered in favor of progress (kind of). will he finish the videogames until then? we shall see.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 32 - GameMan Saga 1

the gameboy z80 forth project revives, and this time its actually getting worked on. he works on the cpu mode and makes it run until vblank mode.

we also create the "talk to clone" redeem, where you can talk to clones like you do with "friend" or computer.

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 11 - GameMan Saga Episode 2

The z80 saga continues as he also recovers the BPM mode and displays... something? on the screen. something red, like edge, i guess. he does graphics, basically. this stream also adds the Joel/ICANT/+2/-2 counter in place of the faction status, making our stream 1 step closer to the northernlion dimension.

this is probably so inadequate explanation but im genuinely like this is haskell bros please help me lmfao 😹

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 33 - fish like a worm

we go oub mode today as he showcases various fixations he has at the moment such as mudkip pmd faces, monads, dungeon crawl stone soup uwu copypasta and the graph. speaking of the graph, special guest me shows up on stream and talks about how ive seen ellg vtuber model in a korean yaoi web manhwa. this is also around where various prod v memes start spilling into the clonk heads and clonk head (inside), or something of this nature.

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 12 - Reflection (i finally got the title right yay)

the bingo starts becoming a thing but i tuned it a little too much and we almost went for a blackout. the irc zone gets an upgrade where it is connected to various other streamer discord channels of the cyberspace such as #geiserzone, #jakerealm and #prodarea. this is also modclonk (the peoples man) and us gamers him to an insane degree where he kills gamer INSTANTLY. gamer rebirths as a 5 charge sacrifice build later into the stream but we went to sleep 40 minutes after the stream with modclonk so we dont know what happened. Voice-activated commands are added such as "LUA" flashing a brazillian flag on screen, or ICANT increasing the ICANT counter.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 34 - Rising Shining

we along with The People's Man pressure clonk into confirming GAMING SUNDAY mode. it will finally happen this week. we also tune the AIs a little bit down and increase the friend mode i think. mental clarity also returns i think ??? we also try another gameboy test thing and ends up with unintelligible output. we are closer to being done than start i think, halfway mode. sorry guys this is haskell again

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 13 - A New Sun

we talk about skibidi backrooms and go oubstyle, where he spends like 4 hours explaining how the oub code works and then finds out the Fake KVM mode but for keyboards (barrier mode) where key repeats are emulated by repeatedly releasing and pushing the button, causing disruption. we add HP style to player and enemy, and ability to kill, as well as some AI for the enemy. this is kinda gameplay i think


the third ever After Dark session - and the first DISCORD ONLY EVENT (😱) we play stellaris for 13 hours. 13 people sign up and like a few people stuck around til the end i think. well 1 person is actually 2 people because noted clonkhead tomaterr and modToma are playing as one entity (the EvilJoel Empire). despite clonk's deeprooted paranoia and social anxiety everyone have a great time and surprisingly nothing really goes wrong. i mean youd think 13 people multiplayer would either end up in setting shit up hell or some kind of argument breaking out but yeah none of that. here are the list of participants and its empire, along with notable events of that nation. the game ended with Don't Worry About It and the Federation (mostly modclonk) clashing. Don't Worry About It wins the battle but not enough to completely demolish the nation and it ends in a modclonk victory i think

the final map is thus.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 35 - GreenNight (GameMan Saga Episode 3)

the saga continues... (cpu is "done"?)

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 14 - LCOLONQ Debate Club

clonk gets enraptured in a fey mood all of the sudden and introduces political debate into the stream (????), where a random chatter is selected to defend a random position on a random topic against "friend". this goes nowhere and gets saved by fake ellg and his "no you" demeanor, changing into "robot v robot" combat instead. this kinda is geneaology core LOL

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 36 - One Clover One Bee (GameMan Saga Episode 4)

he encounters a wild problem of Haskell Performance Bottleneck, and we explore the gnarly world of arcane debugging.

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 15 - The Density Initiative (GameMan Saga Episode 5)

clonk launches the "density initiative", which is like a secondary queue of chat message so he doesn't miss any chat in the midst of him being john purple and having like 500 viewers and becoming a millionaire and acting like he don't know nobody. he doesn't finish this and instead struggles with game boy instead.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 37 - discourse fairway

clonk creates an emacs mode for exploring Discourse forums, notably t/suki. this actually turns out to be a great success and you can get it here for emacs i think ???

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 16 - ??? why is this an actual title LOL

clonk yaps too much and makes purescript thing ??? he finally brings in first guest of the previously mode (me) but also i have no idea whats going on here i was sick as hell (real bedridden style)

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 38 - Compiler Upside-Down Cake

with the beginning of the SUMMER lisp game jam he introduces a totally different way to create game boy cartridges: NO TOOLING, all FOOLING. he creates an emacs lisp functions that creates gb roms out of assembly. he creates an image to background sprite format thing so that he can put """sprites""" on memory.

LCOLONQ 2.X Episode 17 - we are in a pickle

he showcases his progress in his no tooling game development endeavors, which consists of buzzing constant sound and increasing number and a prompt box. he continues working on this and eventually "completes" it. you can play various clonkhead's lisp game jam entries:

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 39 - Season 2.X Episode FINAL (Gaiden eX Ultra Energy Mode)

officially the finale of LCOLONQ 2.X, we return INTJ stare, live reactions and various ask friend prompts, creates wasp-prod.el (whos the elisp file now geiser), and worked on fixing oub pathfinding. The next TWO sessions are skipped as he has turned into ashes and transported into the astral plane, as in he took a plane to OFFKAI. he returns with a special "wednesday sesh".

Season 2.8: LCOLONQ 2.Y

Clonk has realized the importance of balance between the disruption and the locking in, and he wishes to finish the videogame and other irons upon the forge. will he succeed?

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 40 - Bitcoin 2: The Squeakquel

LCOLONQ revisits the idea of a MMO game jam from the beginning of season 2 and discusses scarcity of item, transaction, value, exploits, and Double Spend Problem. he ends up reinventing NFT and OpenSea again somehow and becomes a cryptobro REAL. we somehow do go into 6 hours into MUD discussion never to return again

LCOLONQ 2.Y Episode One - The Sands Of Time

clonk clones Seraph, LeadenGin gets equity, we implement Sand Mode, and then we cheat in La Mulana (cool game). he is also insanely high bpm and briefly crashes even. clonk approaches the limits of the thinkpad and vows for a guix machine two pc setup (he has not done that), the fog is coming...

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 41 - The Good Life

clonk spreads the joy of being a "Good Liver". the actual content is oub but like the birth of Von Vivant is imporatnt

LCOLONQ 2.Y Episode Two - snughoused

twitch introduces the new Power Up feature that lets you pay money to streamer to post big emojis and distract the screen. this is used extensively by ellg as a result. newspaper temporarily goes down, bugSegz is a thing now, we have some wild OBS moment where all the toggles turn on at once, 'critical-hit bites the bullet (f). we do more oub

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 42 - Gauche

clonk introduces the concept of GBA modding and making a compiler for it, and then everything suddenly stops working but this time not because of him but because of twitch. some kind of early deployment crashed sammi and like all of us and we were full on doomsday mode for a while. it was fucked.

LLLL Colonq After Dark - Gauche (real)

Clonk plays elden ring DLC (i wasnt there i was streaming)

LCOLONQ 2.Y Episode Three - Slime Time (Sltime)

prod fucking dies and we ooze in commemoration, we also talk about extensive hours of the Eld DLC, and we make some progress on the gba zone. maude is out for relative meeting and clonk's despair begins.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 43 - The Bell Tolls

clonks pc finally could not handle it and crashes REAL style, allowing all users to double boost scam. this causes local modclonk to be firmly be in behind gendude in the chase for max boostage. we also oub i think

LCOLONQ 2.Y Episode Four - Shmup Arc I

ANOTHER CRASH OCCURS btw, and double boosts happen again. that aside the BulletML saga begins as clonk decides to write the overlay software for the bullet redeem. he adds basic messaging system and searches for options for having transparent passthrough window. a rare Gamba Event also occurs and everyone becomes extremely competitive, only to end in a refund (lame) due to the goals not being founded correctly.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 44 - Shmup Arc II

the BulletML saga continues as clonk writes the actual parser for bullet. we struggle and then declare victory lol (but then he codes the entire thing off stream in like a day bc lol, duress real)

LCOLONQ 2.Y Episode Five - Shmup Arc III

the saga concludes here officially, as we create the win conditions and clear up various stuff. redeems are made through the other gizmo in this website, and it relatively works as we display cock and balls on screen.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 45 - Fall of Babylon

all the backed up redemption gets redeemed today, resulting in like 6 new equity lords and 7 new clones. we then do some oub. we also showcase new starting soon screen

LCOLONQ 2.Y Episode Six - Roiling and Churning

clonk reveals his new obsession of the Song of Ice and Fire Wiki (specifically the wiki), we clone the newest clone of Vettle, we then do some oub.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 46 - Machine vs. Wild

clonk is OUT of power for like days now, and he decides its time he go back to the basics. he talks about how themeing is more important than the docket and talks about how friend needs to do more (he does not do this). we then create a better autocomplete for emacs that are almost complete now. i think. we look into various things.

LCOLONQ 2.Y Episode Seven - The Year of the Dragon

cloud strike happened and we comment on this a lot, we have a lot of programming (emacs, nix, haskell) related discussions (do some classic orange site reading), and then we do some 3do (we got mr green on there, and recieved input via controller. the plan is to render the puppet using the controller input. this thread is planned to continue (abyss)). i think we also had a gamba event? idk.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 47 - squarepeg roundhole

we visit the Twitch Game Jam and how it is fucked up in 9 different layers, we talk about cycling out the bottom bar, gives streaming advice to people, and then do swear word challenge which he gifts 3 subs and gives up. there is also a HUGE gambling event with like half a mill on the line on modclonk sleeping or waking up, and believers gain huge amounts of equity. to follow this up, ellg is crowned moderator status to carry out further gamblation, and it becomes a staple soon after.

in terms of actual work, we kill rats for the awesome subscription alert of "Hey there! Thank you so much for the subscription! That's really cool of you to do i hope your I hope you are having a really a really nice day today thats that's.. thank thank you, Big, big Ups! Big Dog, Hell yeah! Thank you, thank you again to, for the, for comin in with the big, the Big, the Big Subscription! The Big S! The Big S! i'd like to call it. The Big, the, ei, eigh, gh, hell yeah. Subscription...MUCH??? Yeah... Thank you, thank you again to... for, for that. ao, o, allright. talk to you later!". we then add a few more variants and revive the rat back (i think??) and make it happen randomly. we also open submission for sub alerts and we add SAM guy thing and Tyumici thing. SAM is loud and overpowers everything else.

we also discover friend's long running issue using the new Emacs Debug Mode we have devised, and experiences life-threatening moments due to clonk suffering various rust lsp moments, vowing to get a new pc (this is still a thread that is ongoing).

LLLL Colonq After Dark - Hands Preview

Clonk previews and debugs the hands cam (i wasnt there i was streaWhy is this a running theme)

LCOLONQ 2.Y Episode FINAL - Episode FINAL Part Alpha / Part Beta

clonk is on the Front Page due to him being a partner and twitch doing the "ask to be on front page" thing nowadays. clonk gets like 6000 viewers and the chatterbase constantly changes. gamba happens early on how many things clonk will do in an hour when we experience the peak of fame when clonk yaps straight for like 7 hours and has to extend the session by 3 more hours to barely get half a thing working. we also have hand cam which breaks immediately and reveals that clonk is actually Mr Green Real (he had green gloves with some kind of powder appearantly), and handcam appears occasionally due to hot cumbersome and powdery. modclonk waves once and goes to sleep immediate.

in terms of works, clonk brings up the idea of "hexes" that can be casted on chatters that does an action based on the bits we have done previously, ideas such as emote swaps, pig latin, ai translation, chatter fusion and such are brought up. we get the really basic hexes working.

we also gets gifted 100 subs by chatter eudemoniac and it promptly rat swarms the clonk pc, killing the stream and gendude gets another W over modclonk in the war of boosts. mickynoon soon gifts 100 subs too and gets mega scammed.

overall clonk experiences Overflowing in Clout and Acting like he Don't Know Nobody, and it was pretty neat. he promises he can read all the chats and still be (para)social while having thousands of viewers.

Season 2.9: LCOLONQ 2.Zed

This season firmly grounds the changes that was slowly evident (we obliterate the docket and do variety contents every stream), we have weddings, twitch "con", doing the opposite of what he plans to, im not sure what the throughline is but the two major projects are the "GBA" and oub. will he finish this?

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 48 - The Aftermath

Clonk comments on the finale and finishes the hex style.

LCOLONQ 2.Zed First - Geotectonics

courtesy of text wall person, we have sprites for NetHack, and we make an emacs thing for nethack.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 49 - cyclone cyclone cyclone cyclone

clonk talks about his fear of cyclones and the sky, and attempts to use Butano, a already built gba modern engine thing. he struggles with the engine-like nature and decides to NIH hell, thus reviving the "UDC" era.

LCOLONQ 2.Zed Second - Grace and Composure (fake title)

clonk plans to do Bless again but idk where it went ngl ok so im going to be real i started actually sleeping at my appropriate time around this time so i generally dont know what clonk is doing until the vods come out now, like its actually over i am disqualified as a librarian or sotn, dude someone need to take my mantle and get this page going for me, ill give you the page swear

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 50 - Human Instrumentality Project (fake title)

clonk purchases GCP3.net and develops a factor (programming language) thing for web there. he manages to build the core and does not do the rest (actually hook it up to data points). currently the site just cycles between colors every refresh.

LCOLONQ 2.Zed Third - smorgasbord (fake title)

clonk LOCKs IN to some Haxe project abandoning every previous plans, trying to build a Haxe binding for emacs/elisp, he ultimately loses this battle as he has no prior experience to Haxe, and vows to return.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 51 - Back to Basement (fake title)

this is an oub episode (the effort post is 50 this time)

LCOLONQ 2.Zed FORTH - LCOLONQ's Smaragdine Heart (fake title)

we suddenly return to the Pal Emerald zone as we develop a pokemon map editor for emacs. we succeed in doing so and can edit blocks with keyboard.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 52 - Hundred Arms (fake title)

the first of many "GBA UDC" episodes to come, clonk develops some part of the GBA system that im not entirely aware of yet

LCOLONQ 2.Zed Fifth - Perfect Mimicry (fake title)

second "GBA UDC" episode. he also shares about his video progress i think (he is working on a Game Man youtube video), i think around this point clonk also reverses the Gamer curse? so it is now back to being no counter.

LLLL Colonq Goes Bananas 53 - Waves and also Particles (fake title)

clonk sudddenly brings up Wave Function Collapse (algorithm) and using it to make a better level generation for oub, he does not succeed in this and vows to fix this off stream when he comes back. this friday has NO session due to Wedding Sunday. (wild)

Season 4: Season Season Season Season

Promised to happen, has not happened yet.

You are the Master

Whether you 100% cleared this article, or just scrolled through to the end, you are ready. What matters is enjoying the stream. we hope you have a fun time, chat around, be friends with so many awesome people of the community, all kinds of corny but true statements.

That being said, if you read this far, you probably recognize a lot of stuff that goes around here.

Warp Zone